27 June 2009

my transformers birthday bash

i do realize that having a transformers themed birthday party at the not-so-young age of 34 may seem ridiculous to some, but when anna and i came up with the idea, we didn't much care about that. we went straight out and bought transformers invitations, plates, cups, and napkins. we invited a few people over for pizza, rootbeer, and transformer-colored cupcakes while we watched the first transformers. then, we headed over to the movie theater, where we met some other friends, for the second transformers movie. we hit macaroni grill to top off the night. it was a killer party!


Alexis said...

I am so sad I missed this party!

Happy Birthday, by the way!

I need to call you. Your mom said you are doing UofP? I want to hear about it.

Alexis Poelman said...

hahahaha i love the close-up of the cup. looks like it was killer. sorry we missed out, but i'm glad that we got to celebrate w you here annnd i'm glad that you got a partay in so. car, too. lucky you!

something to remind me of me